Preplanning in Minnesota
Planning for the purchase of cemetery property in advance has several advantages. Primarily, preplanning prevents loved ones from having to make such decisions when a death occurs. Making arrangements during a time of grief and confusion can be an emotional burden.
Advantages of Preplanning
Spare family from making decisions during grief
Puts you in control of decisions
Make choices together with your spouse and family
Purchase at today’s prices
Pay in installments over time with no interest
Your purchase is protected by law
Financial Advantages
Inflation causes prices to rise over the course of time, but when you purchase property in advance you are buying at the current price. Many cemeteries offer interest-free financing plans. Be sure to check whether the contract of the cemetery guarantees prices. By thinking about memorial property in advance, you can compare different products and services to choose the options that work best for your budget.
Make an Informed Decision
Preplanning allows you to choose how you would like to be memorialized and provides an opportunity for family and friends to be part of the decision. When you plan ahead, you will be able to consider the many options available. Perhaps there is a current family member near a certain available lot. By purchasing now, you can be assured that space will still be available. Another benefit is peace of mind, knowing your family and friends will be relieved of the emotional and financial burden often associated with making arrangements at the time of death.
Understand What You’re Purchasing
When you purchase cemetery property, you are purchasing the right to designate who may be interred in the space. You are not purchasing the land itself, which remains the property and responsibility of the cemetery.
Purchasing the right to be interred in a cemetery is separate from making funeral arrangements with a licensed funeral director. Choosing a cemetery memorial may be one aspect of your final arrangements. Depending on your needs, funeral arrangements (which may include purchasing a casket, arranging a service, embalming, etc.) must be made using the services of a licensed funeral director. Some cemeteries also have licensed funeral directors who can do this, but most do not. It is not required that you make arrangements for funeral services when choosing a memorial in a cemetery.